
Utilizing Co-Products
Westway Feed Products has a unique and powerful sustainability story to tell. While the mantra of sustainability has generated much interest in recent times, it is in fact, the foundation on which Westway Feed Products has been built. The use of co-products is our way of contributing to environmental, social, and economic sustainability.
The team at Westway prides itself in utilizing co-products that were once thought of as non-usable or waste products. While molasses is our core ingredient, we also utilize additional co-products from industries such as bio-fuel plants, distilleries, yeast plants, corn processors, soy processors, and cheese factories.
Our livestock feed supplements are a key component in livestock production where forages are utilized to produce protein and other foods for human consumption. By design, our products can help to increase efficiency, forage utilization, and animal performance.
We believe our use of co-products and contributions to increased forage utilization are strong foundations upon which we are building for tomorrow’s generations.